Hello Beautiful Souls!

It’s been a while since I’ve sat down to write a blog or newsletter. I’ve been spending a lot of time on the road and have now landed in a place I call home! I’m excited to share the news, and I hope everyone has grown to love these last couple of years of interesting times, to say the least! Yes challenging, but at the same time powerful! When we decide to move through the unknown and the resistance, the other side has wonderful insights for us if we are willing to listen.

There’s been challenges, joy, laughter, crying, anger… and I’m sure a few more that aren’t coming in at the moment. We all have learned how to cope with changing times, and we will continue to do so. One factor is our perception and how we view these times and the aspects of ourselves that we chose to reflect upon. If we give GRACE to ourselves, we will heal and move on from trying times and create a more fulfilling life together… I personally spent a lot of time in reflection and perception over the last year and a half and have come to the conclusion that we are all doing the best we know how to do, and at times the knowing will shift into great insight!

Now I’d like to talk a bit about Astral Travel as I will be teaching a workshop next month in Taos, NM at In Tune Yoga…Here’s the link to register or check it out. I will also be taking a group to Africa in late September/October. The final details are being worked as I write this to you. I”m so excited to get back to Africa with my Indigenous family and take others to meet them and be on such sacred land. Click the link to the events page.

Astral Travel or Astral Projection as some refer to it is a way to tap into our multi-dimensional self! We all have this aspect, but what I find with a lot of people is there is fear around going here. Some people are already doing and don’t really realize what is happening and when fear sets in, we tend to shut down any type of intuitive or multi-dimensional experience. Believe me I’ve done it in the past, and I know that if I would have hung in there, the experience would have been grande. But we learn from experiencing, and once we learn there is nothing to fear, then we are on our way to some amazing experiences. We can experience Past Lives, Parallel Lives, Inter-dimensional realities to name a few. These are healing experiences for our now body that our being/spirit chose to incarnate into.

When we Astral Travel we connect through our Light Body/Astral Body and connect to the Unified Field where there is a never-ending highway of information. This in turn takes us either to areas we are wanting to work on within our consciousness or we can project out into other dimensions and other lives. We all have Past, Parallel, Future and Multi-dimensional lives running at the same time. When our frequency shifts into these higher frequency realms, we are given insights into these otherworlds of knowledge.  I love this work as I do this frequently and yes without any type of substance!

There are different techniques in order to practice this. The intention needs to be set first of wanting to experience Astral Traveling! Then a guided mediation can help, an experienced Energy Healer who Astral Travels as well,  a hypnotherapist who specializes in Astral Traveling and has done it themselves. I always ask that question. With Hypnotherapy the practitioner needs to know what questions to ask while you are traveling out… It’s an intuitive process and not one that comes from reading a book when asking questions of the person who is traveling. You will most likely end up someplace you had no idea you would be at. Shapeshifting can take place at times which is another amazing experience to have. I encourage anyone interested or with questions to send me an email and I’m happy to answer any questions.

Happy Traveling!

Sending Love,
