Channeling can be an amazing way to connect beyond what our mind perceives our limits are in our lives. It’s like any intuitive gift one has and a muscle, so to speak, that we must practice regularly. As intuitive human beings, we all have access to this process if we choose to.
I’ve been channeling for years. What I have learned most of all is that there is a calibration that must take place within the energetic, emotional, and physical body for someone to get clear and accurate information. Once this has occurred, the messages we receive can be profound not only for ourselves but for others as well.
Given there is a wonderful expansion of energy with our shift in consciousness within humanity and more and more people are opening to their unique gifts and intuition, channeling is a way to access other realms and go deeper introspectively into ourselves and worlds beyond our perception.
There are many great channelers in our world today and others who have passed on. When asked, most will comment, “What I’ve created didn’t come from me, it came through me!” This happens with authors, actors, musicians, artists, and psychics. It’s the ability to be a frequency of never-ending flow of information that is coming through from what one may perceive as the Divine, the Unified Field, the Cosmos, Source, whatever resonates with you!
Another form of channeling from my perspective is living a life with synchronicities! Have you ever been in the flow where the layers start to appear to you as far as connections that are being made through meeting people, work-related outcomes, relationships, etc.? One experience leads to another, and doorways open for us.
I’m going to share how the beings/guides that I channel led me to this retreat to be with all of you and how profound it is when we listen and take action from the heart; our world opens up for us.
I was walking through my home, and I could feel them around me. I got this intuitive hit to ask a question about an opportunity that would be coming to me. Here is what I asked and notice I didn’t ask for a specific date, time, or place. I kept it neutral and general, which I believe is helpful. I said out loud for them to come in and they dropped right in, and I asked, “Can you express to me for my highest good an opportunity that will be coming to me?”
They immediately responded with “There is an opportunity coming to you soon Elise, take the leap!” The very next day I received a text from Monika and Robin to come and be one of the facilitators at this beautiful retreat!
Where we tend to get into trouble with acting on things that come from our higher selves, our guides, and other energies, as humans we almost always question what we are getting. I’ve learned over time that when we have absolutely no doubt and trust our guidance, we make great decisions in life and amazing things can happen for us. This also happened with the African Tribe in Kenya I’m now connected to through an African Shaman in spirit that came to me while drumming. I now take people to experience their culture. When we listen, we can explore more than what is in our perceived vision of being human.
Channeling can give us a path that we had no idea existed for us if we take the time to sit in the energies of what is. Given it’s the unseen world and not really tangible in the moment, the amazing process is that most times things come to fruition to give us confirmation.
Looking at some of the famous channelers of our time, author and medium Paul Selig, considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels working today, downloads books that don’t have to be edited, and Lee Harris, a globally acclaimed energy intuitive, channeler, and musician, has been communicating with his guides to help others navigate a soul-led life. There is Jane Roberts who channeled the influential Seth material and inspirational speaker and author Esther Hicks who channels a collective consciousness she calls “Abraham”. There are different variations in these people and what they channel, but the common thread is it’s for the greater good of humanity and they all have embraced what has come through them.
During our time together we will work on the calibration of our energy system with our emotional and physical bodies as I believe this is a key component in tapping into an expanded frequency of light and what is available to us. We will write down messages and expand on the messages that come through. We will channel for each other which is such a fun process, and my guides/beings will also come in and express what they want to share with you all as a group, and individually if you desire.
I’m so excited and overjoyed to be in this beautiful Monastery and the energies that will be present with us. I look forward to meeting you all and working in harmony.
Sending Love,