Have you ever sat down, and while being quiet and listened to your thoughts? Have you ever had experiences in life where you were like ” Why did this happen? “How could they do this to me?”  Well as you probably already know it’s not about external circumstances most of the time, it’s the outcome of our daily thoughts creating what is being reflected back to us. I’ve personally come to understand this pattern which is referred to as the “Law of Correspondence” in Hermeticism. You can read about it in The Kybalion Hermetic Philosophy. 

If we take time to actually reflect on our thought processes after a situation has occurred, we can go back and see how our own thoughts have created form and circumstances. These can be a positive outcome or an outcome that is a learning lesson to get us to evolve to a state of being aware of how we are creating our own reality. Our mind tends to make it so complicated!  When we are bombarded continually every day with things happening in our lives, scrolling on our phones, watching the news (which I don’t recommend), possibly working a job we don’t actually like or love,  it can be challenging to see what we are actually internally doing. The Law of correspondence meaning “as within, so without” “as above, so below; as below, as above.” is a great tool to use when reflecting back on situations that are challenging for us. It’s a step in the growth and awareness process.

I remember years ago while working with someone doing energy work and we would exchange sessions. We were very different in our approaches, but she would always comment when she laid her hands on me she went to this high frequency. What would happen for me is I could see how a thought was formed. I’ll never forget the day when it happened, and I remember saying out loud “Wow! I’m seeing a thought taking form!” It was a wild experience and one challenging to describe, but at the time I didn’t really get the significance as I do today and experiencing experiences I have of late. It goes along with manifesting as well, it’s all about the thought process and the feeling behind what is being manifested. When we are manifesting anything, all doubt has to be let go of and the feeling of having it is a feeling state within our emotional body!

When we get quiet and take time to reflect (and this can takes days, weeks, months) we are allowing our thoughts to unravel or unwind in ways. It’s a way of revealing what is behind the Wizard of Oz curtain so to speak. I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not a master at anything, but I will continue on a path of self discovery and expanded consciousness. I will also recommend if you are not surrounding yourself with conscious people, please do as it makes a world of difference. If you’re in a situation where that isn’t possible at the moment, work on not judging them, as when we judge other people no matter the circumstances, we are reflecting that back to ourselves and creating outcomes of those judgmental thoughts. Every thought we have is a form of manifestation given our belief system, our emotions and our experiences. If we want a different outcome, we have to shift the negative looping and our perceptions and perspectives around life. We are all evolving as we move through each day, and when we become aware of how we have created our life, our circumstances up until this moment, it’s a powerful realization that Anything is Possible! 

Here’s the link to our Mallorca Mystical Retreat! We still have some spots left. Email me, Robin or Monika with any questions.

Sending Love,
