There are many bridges one can cross when doing adulthood. I recently saw a quote on a T-shirt that said “I’m not adulting today!”  I thought to myself what a great quote and what if I wanted to “Child Today” instead? It’s funny as adults we tend to forget how to play, be somewhat spontaneous and allow ourselves the freedom to just flow with the wind. I feel if we did, we would have a grandeur time of being an adult. We get so serious about our daily routines and patterns, that we can miss out on a lot during our adulthood. I recently had a new client say to me, “I give myself a 24 hour notice when committing to doing something!”  What she was saying was that when she commits to something, if she doesn’t cancel within the 24 hour period on the other person or even if she’s going by herself, she goes no matter what! She will try and talk herself out of it, but realizing when she made the decision, she was excited and the inertia was there. So from her perspective the momentum is still running and as we know, once we arrive at something, it usually turns out a lot better than we anticipated.

I’ve been posting and talking a lot about where a “YES” and a “NO” goes in the body. It’s a great intuitive tool we can use. It’s simple, and our body will tell us when it doesn’t like something or when something feels off! 9 times out of 10 if we go against our instincts, there’s normally a lesson involved down the road or possibly in those passing moments. So the next time someone asks you to do something or you’re about to make a commitment to something, ask your body how it feels. Where does a “YES” go in the body? Maybe it’s the crown of your head or in your solar plexus area. Where does a “NO” go in the body? Possibly it’s a sharp pokey kind of feeling in the arm, or your stomach gets tight. We all know our bodies the best, so everyone is going to have a slightly different outcome. When we decipher our own body language we can make powerful shifts in our daily lives and our life in general.

Our Mallorca Mystical Retreat is coming up in October of this year! I recently sent out a blog about it, and if you’re interested here’s the link for more information. I’m so excited as people are signing up and it’s being held at the Santuari de Lluc Monastery which is home to the Black Madonna on the island of Mallorca, Spain.  Reach out if you have any questions!

I’m offering a discounted sessions once again as I do every year! 1, 2 or 3 session discount. email me at for more information!

Sending Love,


Artwork by Alexandra Manea