

  “LIfe is about experiences not failures!” “There are no failures, just life experiences!” This from my mother after 3 years of being on the otherside in 2014. Given her life was lived based on fear and failures and coming to terms in an inevitable death of...


The Hermitic principle of polarity goes along with mutability from my perception. When we think about polarity we normally compare it to what is opposite, but in hermetics there is always degrees of polarity. Kind of reminds me of the movie “6 degrees of separation”...


As I’m sitting down to writing this blog , I’m remembering back to the year 2007 when Jupiter entered Capricorn energy for a couple of years along with a bunch other energies. Jupiter expands things as we know and with Mars being in Aries for so long and now going...
Never-ending Change!

Never-ending Change!

Well its been a while since I’ve sat down to write a blog, as I’ve been busy working and was planning on being in Africa during this time and sending posts from there, but the powers to be had something else in mind. The picture on the website says it all! I...