As I’m sitting down to writing this blog , I’m remembering back to the year 2007 when Jupiter entered Capricorn energy for a couple of years along with a bunch other energies. Jupiter expands things as we know and with Mars being in Aries for so long and now going...
Never-ending Change!

Never-ending Change!

Well its been a while since I’ve sat down to write a blog, as I’ve been busy working and was planning on being in Africa during this time and sending posts from there, but the powers to be had something else in mind. The picture on the website says it all! I...
Choice Points

Choice Points

We are in living in interesting times to say the least. With the equinox on the 22nd of this month which will be a powerful transition and Mars now retrograde in Aries with Eris,  planets still in Capricorn, and some squaring Uranus in Taurus, we are in for big...
Ancient Ones!

Ancient Ones!

We have a full moon coming up on August 3rd in Aquarius, sun in Leo and just one of the aspects is it is squaring Uranus which rules Aquarius so most likely it will be an intense Full Moon. Uranus known as the Awakener  can disrupt things or have sudden shocks to any...
Bees & Dream Sequencing!

Bees & Dream Sequencing!

The dreamscape is a magical place to draw from if we allow ourselves to see how dream sequencing comes from our waking life into our dreamscape and our dreamscape into our waking life.  When we sleep at night our being leaves and travels around and gathers information...