Soul Circle!

Soul Circle!

Soul Circle July 20th at 7pm New Moon in Cancer! Our next Soul Circle will be on Monday, July 20th the day of the New Moon in Cancer. We are in the midst of some of the energies that we experienced during the last conjunction in January. I can feel the intensity of...
Dressing up FEAR!

Dressing up FEAR!

What is FEAR?! Some will say it’s False Emotions Appearing Real or False Experiences Appearing Real based on False Emotions!  I use to say the former, but after working in the intuitive and shamanic world, I have a slightly different perception of what fear is. I do...
Spiritual Maintenance!

Spiritual Maintenance!

I’ve been working on this post for the last week and every time I went to send it, my computer would freeze for the text would disappear. Now that Mercury has gone direct, here it is lol! With Mercury direct along with all the other planets, this is a great time...
Six Week Intuitive Course

Six Week Intuitive Course

Six Week Intuitive Course This course is for those who want to amplify and hone their gifts, form a greater bond with their guides, animal spirits, helping spirits, along with working with the shadow part of themselves where they hold great power! Energy follows...


Transition is passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another : CHANGE, a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another. I recently had a conversation with a friend about transitioning. I feel it’s an interesting place to be...


The Medicine Wheel.  I”ve pondered this image for quite some time and recently it has come into my awareness 3 times in one day. I feel like it is wanting to shed some light on the importance of the wheel itself and how dreams play a huge part in the shamanic world...
African Mystical Safari

African Mystical Safari

We are planning a wonderful adventure in the fall of 2024. If you are interested in this amazing journey, send us an email at for more information. This adventure will take you to Uganda where we will track the Gorillas and watch them in their...